Widows Walk
180 Warrior Widows Community Adventure: This is The Dream Come True! Widows and their kiddos having a grand time together! Yesterday, part of our team gathered at the ATL Beltline. We ate at the rooftop restaurant at Ponce City Market, played together at the rooftop arcade/carnival, walked around the shops and on the beltline too. Lots of laughter, friendship, and even kids connecting. Made me smile ALL. DAY. LONG! I love our Warrior Widows Team! Thanks Kimberly Guest Berman, Marni Feinberg Ratner, and Camila Wright Zolfaghari for joining us! A HUGE THANKS for all who have supported us with your time, talent, and resources…Beautiful things are happening! Looking forward to our bi-monthly team meetings and monthly team outings! Learn more at about the 180 Your Grief Widows Empowerment Center at 180YourGrief.org😍 #WidowsStrongerTogether#180YourGrief #180YourLife