
God created everything, and is still creating. God is over everything, and there is no other like Him. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine, no matter what “stuff” may be in your past or present.


Jesus is God’s Son. He came to earth to model God’s love and grace, voluntarily die on a cross for the sins of every person, and be brought back to life so we could all be reunited with God now and forever. Our sins have been bought and paid for by Jesus’ sacrifice. When we believe that Jesus is who He says He is, we find a perfect Friend who welcomes us with open arms just the way we are.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God’s actual Spirit that lives in us when we choose to be a follower of Jesus. The Spirit gives us amazing power and gifts, and helps us grow to be more like Jesus.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word for us, His children. It’s true and reliable.

Grace and Truth

God gives us grace to cover all our sin so truth can set us free.


Life is valuable beyond measure in all its dimensions, from the pre-born, to the aged, to the physically or mentally challenged, and in every season from conception through natural death. Human life is worth defending, protecting, and valuing.


God created everything, and is still creating. God is over everything, and there is no other like Him. God loves you more than you can possibly imagine, no matter what “stuff” may be in your past or present.


Jesus is God’s Son. He came to earth to model God’s love and grace, voluntarily die on a cross for the sins of every person, and be brought back to life so we could all be reunited with God now and forever. Our sins have been bought and paid for by Jesus’ sacrifice. When we believe that Jesus is who He says He is, we find a perfect Friend who welcomes us with open arms just the way we are.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God’s actual Spirit that lives in us when we choose to be a follower of Jesus. The Spirit gives us amazing power and gifts, and helps us grow to be more like Jesus.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word for us, His children. It’s true and reliable.

Grace and Truth

God gives us grace to cover all our sin so truth can set us free.


Life is valuable beyond measure in all its dimensions, from the pre-born, to the aged, to the physically or mentally challenged, and in every season from conception through natural death. Human life is worth defending, protecting, and valuing.


Marriage matters because it is God’s design. God has ordained marriage and defined it as the covenant relationship between a biological man and a biological woman, and Himself.  God intends sexual intimacy to be within this covenant only, and any sexual expression outside of it is not only harmful, but saddens our Creator.