Team 180 2018 Session 3 recap
“It was a banquet for the soul.” That’s what I told Pastor Ron Wean after our 180 Widows Team meeting last night. An AMAZING group of widows gathered and we laughed, cried, encouraged, and supported one another, as Pastor Ron, a licensed professional counselor, and I shared grief empowerment strategies with in-person and virtual widowed members. We host our meetings virtually online and in-person, so widows with little kiddos and widows from other states can join us in real-time via video conferencing! It’s a Dream Come True! Here’s a sneak peak of our 180U videos (this is chapter 2 video), one of the videos in our series that we use as part of our 12-month healthy body/mind/spirit curriculum. THANK YOU to those who donated to provide the funds to create the 180 Your Life books & videos, 180 Your Grief Widows’ Empowerment Center, and now to start this 2018 widows empowerment team! We couldn’t have done it without you!