July 1st Food Distribution at the Widows Empowerment Center

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July 1st Food Distribution at the Widows Empowerment Center

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We have FAMILY PACKS big enough to feed a family of FOUR tomorrow!

If you’re in the Atlanta area and can get to the Widows Empowerment Center from 3 to 4 o’clock, July 1st, we have 25 meal packages big enough to feed a family of 4 for a week! As of 3:30 today, we already have 9 widows signed up to receive these packages. 

We want to give all these care packages out to widows and their families who need them. Distribution is 3-4 o’clock tomorrow at the Widows Empowerment Center. The time is short because these boxes have perishable and non-perishable items that need to be refrigerated as quickly as possible. 

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