10 Ways to Bless a Widow and her children on Father’s Day

 In General, Newsletter

Father’s Day can be a very emotionally charged day for widows and their children. Widowed families are often surprised by how hard Father’s Day can become. Empowering this time takes faith, community, and planning ahead.

Psalm 68:5 promises us, “Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.” If God cherishes care for widows and children who don’t have an earthly father present, then as His Body of Believers, it is our honor to be the hands and feet of Jesus to serve them.

Here are a few ideas to help a widowed family empower their Father’s Day experience.

1. Commit to pray for and with a widow and her children.
2. Widows, if your father is still alive, consider spending Father’s Day with him!
3. Gift a Family Pass to an Area Attraction or Festival (like the Zoo or a local festival) and even offer to go with them.
4. Gift a widowed mom a certificate for a professional massage (believe us, she needs it)!
5. Offer to take a widowed family to lunch or dinner.
6. Offer to help with yard work or a Handyman project around the house.
7. Gift a fruit tree or lovely plant in honor of the children’s father and offer to help plant it in their yard.
8. Gift movie passes for them to see a funny movie.
9. Gift passes for an outdoor adventure.
10. Offer to have a family grill out, even better, teach a widow how to use her outdoor grill and help her host a fun gathering.

By Mishael Porembski & Carrie Crain

Mishael Porembski is a 16-year widowed mom raising two teen daughters in Atlanta, GA, Founder of Widow Strong, author of the 180 Your Life print and video series, and Certified Life Coach specializing in grief and widow empowerment. Click here to contact Widow Strong to learn more about hosting a Widow Strong Chapter at your church and click here to learn more about booking a one-on-one life coaching session with Mishael.

Carrie Stringer Crain is a twice-widowed mom raising a 9-year-old daughter. Carrie is the Widow Strong Texas Leader and holds her Bachelors’ in Communication Disorders and her Masters’s in Executive Leadership in Christian Ministry. Click here to contact Carrie to learn more about volunteer opportunities or about future online Widow Strong grief empowerment small groups.

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