Widow Strong 2023: New Year, New Beginnings!

 In Newsletter

Rest, Reevaluate, Reorganize, Refresh, and Reignite!

Dear Friends,
I hope that this note finds you enjoying your new year rhythms! This is the first time our monthly newsletter has gone out so late and it’s totally on me.

Every January, I slow down and listen to what the Lord is sharing with me to prepare for the upcoming year. This January, it was less like slowing down and more like a personal crash and burn. Has that ever happened to you? Here are five ways the Lord helped me find my groove again!

5 Rhythms to Overcome Burnout. I hope they help you too!

Rest: Instead of trying to keep up, I laid down everything and anything that I could to facilitate rest. I let non-essential deadlines go (newsletter), and took time for prayer, Bible study, and self-care. As we spend time with Jesus, He heals our heart, mind, and body. (Here are 37 verses on Rest)

Reevaluate: January is a great time to make lists and ponder what was working and what can be released to make room for new life. It’s also a great time to have family discussions about what is and isn’t working for the family. I reevaluate how my home is running, where the repeated tensions are and then work to relieve through creating healthy habits. For me, that means taking control of the family WIFI router, putting a schedule on screen access, and incentivising chores with a timeline and rewards.

Reorganize: Last year (2022) was really a time of refining our mission of how we serve at Widow Strong and then reorganizing our board and ministry team so that we can serve well.  Personally, I needed time to reorganize my life t00 because I had given up much of my healthy self-care due to an overpacked schedule.

Refresh: Taking time to have fun and enjoy the life God has give me and my family! To me, this means making time for family outings, taking time for daily prayerful habits, preparing healthy foods, and going to the gym! These habits don’t just magically appear. One has to create the structure so that new patterns can be sustained.

Reignite: From a place of peace in the Lord and rested refreshment, then the fire of joy in service reignites! For me, God shifted my focus from operating in my own strength and wisdom (which can lead to burnout) to trusting His timing, provision, and love in my life and for the life of our ministry!

Thank you for your patience and understanding, friends. I’m excited to see the renewed Health, Hope, and Healing that the Lord will do this year as we focus on Him as a Widow Strong community in 2023!

Be sure to check out our New Beginnings Online Study with Carrie (Stringer) Crain starting on February 5th!

Widow Strong Texas Chapter Leader Carrie Stringer is starting an online small group for the 180 Your Life New Beginnings 10-week study starting Sunday, February 5th 8:30 eastern time, 7:30 central!

Contact Carrie to Join

Online Prayer Circle

Friends, Join us on the Widow Strong FB Prayer Circle for 21 days of refreshment and inspirational verses! You don’t have to be a widow to join. Please share your prayer requests here so we may lift one another up in prayer!

Join the Widow Strong Prayer Circle Facebook Group

8 Fights You Need To Pick And Win With Your Kids

Parenting is hard. Parents have to choose their battles. Here are 8 fights worth picking with your kids.

Read Article

Song of the Week


Widow creates unique art to honor loved ones


Cindi Dornellas became a widow and tells of the unique way she discovered to celebrate not only her husband, but keeping memories around. Here is her story.

Once upon a time…my life changed forever. My very healthy husband, Scott, unexpectedly died in front of me, from a heart attack, at age 54. My younger daughter, Carly, said she found a video of her dad on her phone. He was laughing.

I took the audio clip, transformed it to a soundwave, and added the words below it. Then added the QR code and when scanned with a phone, it played back his voice. I was floored – it really shook me. I thought it would be robotic (like Siri), but it was HIS voice. This was magic – the very first ArtBeat Soundwave.

The voice of a loved one, wedding vows, baby heartbeat, first words, laughter, marriage proposal, baby coos, playing music, singing a song, lullaby or bad karaoke. Truly endless ideas. (You can create your own message OR use one you already have.).

Click for ArtBeatSoundWave

Stay Tuned for More Events!

More events will be posted on the Widow Strong Community calendar, with information linked as we receive it.

Widow Strong Calendar

As the founder of Widow Strong and fellow widowed mom of teenagers, it is my honor to lead and serve other widows and their children full-time. Together, our sustained support makes a life-long impact in the lives and legacies of widows and their children.
Every prayer, every gift, every offering of service, every act of love and support keeps us going.
We couldn’t do this without you! 

Stronger Together,

Mishael Porembski
Founder, Widow Strong






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