Thank you for Blessing Widows on Mother’s Day!

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Dear Friends!

Happy Mother’s Day! We wish you a wonderful and blessed day to Mamas of all kinds! Thank you for all you do and we are grateful for how you serve!

Mother’s Day may be a sensitive day for widowed moms and we are so thankful for your support, our fellow ministry partners: Joyful Hearts & Mamas on Mission, as well as our community friends and businesses who came together to create this special Pampering & Portraits event for widows, widowed moms and their children! Click the link to watch our 3-minute video of God’s love in action. Thank you!


Thank you for your continued partnership which allows us to bless widows & their children for Mother’s Day! Click the link to watch our 3 minute event video update!

As the founder of Widow Strong and fellow widowed mom of teenagers, it is my honor to lead and serve other widows and their children full-time. Together, our sustained support makes a life-long impact in the lives and legacies of widows and their children.
Every prayer, every gift, every offering of service, every act of love and support keeps us going.
We couldn’t do this without you! 

Stronger Together,

Mishael Porembski
Founder, Widow Strong







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