Widow Strong Newsletter: Upcoming Events for the rest of 2021

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Miles for Bethany


One of the ways we fund these special events is through our partnership with the Miles for Bethany 5K. This event is a major sponsor of Widow Strong Programs in honor of Bethany Rutledge, a wonderful and inspiring wife, mother, and triathlon coach who passed away a few weeks before her twin one-year old sons’ birthday. Bethany’s family is holding their second annual 5K in Bethany’s honor which equally supports three nonprofits that she loved, including Widow Strong.

Let’s Show Up this November 13th as a Widow Strong Tribe of friends, supporters, & widowed families to Support this Amazing Event & Family as they Give Back and Turn their Tragedy into Triumph for Others!

Helping out is easy! 

Please use the links below to sign up to race or volunteer this November 13th! We hope to see you there!

We also have a new Widow Strong Upcoming Events webpage. Look for that new page in our email tomorrow!

I hope that you have wonderful weekend and thank you for being a part of our Widow Strong Tribe!

Friendsgiving on November 21st

Widows and Kiddos, please join us for Friendsgiving on Sunday, November 21st from 2-4 pm at the Widow Empowerment Center at 2105 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta GA  30068 where we will share a holiday meal together. We will be providing the main dish and dessert and ask that you bring a favorite side dish such as a casserole, vegetable, salad or rolls if you are able to.
Please use the sign up sheet for your side item and RSVP with the number of people attending so that we can plan accordingly.  We ask that you bring your side item at 1:45pm to setup so that we can all dig into our feast at 2pm. Please reply by Monday, November 15th.
Can you bring a can? Box a box? Snag a bag? Jar a jar? In your car?
We are also having a food drive during our event so please bring a non perishable food item such as  canned goods, boxed pasta, cereal, packaged snack foods or peanut butter if you are able to. The items will be collected in a bin at the entrance to the widow center and distributed to families in need.

The Merry Widows Gift Giving Event is happening December 19th

The event will be held on Saturday December 19th, from 2-4 pm.

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