Widow Strong Newsletter: Beach Road Trip & Virtual 5K!

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Dear Brave Ones,

Welcome to our Special Sunday Edition! These challenging times call us to a deeper relationship and understanding with God and those experiencing pain in our communities. I find that running to God in prayer is a wonderful way to center my heart on peace and compassion at the start of my day. With Father’s Day approaching next week and us joining in an upcoming beach retreat, we’ve got lots planned!

And on a personal note, I am taking a few personal weeks as my family prepares to move (still in the Atlanta area) by July 1st. Please be patient with me as I focus on packing and getting my girls settled. I usually take a few weeks during the Summer as my time of reflection and redirection. I love to get quiet before the Lord and I seek His insight for the next steps for my little family and for our wider family of Widow Strong members. Please know I am praying for all of us during this time.

Okay, let’s dig in!

~ Onward, Mishael

Set-The-Mood-Music: “Build Your Kingdom Here” by Rend Collective


1.  Activity Road Trip: Apex Christian Singles Retreat
Y’all, with a family move by July 1st, there is too much for me to do to also plan an exclusive Widow Strong retreat. So let’s go on a road trip and join a beach retreat! All the details and coordinating information is on the event link! We love Apex Christian Singles and we would love to represent Widow Strong on this fun weekend! 

Click Here for the Facebook Event Link


2.  Action: Stronger Together 5K: One more weekend until our virtual Stronger Together 5K Race! Click now for all the information you need as well as know to sign up. Get involved now! Look for a special email coming this week of an in-person outdoor gathering for those who would like to walk this 5K (social distanced) together over Father’s Day weekend. Kiddos welcome. We may even stop for lunch too!
Click for the Stronger Together Virtual 5K Page
See More: Widow Strong’s Resource and Relief Page


3. Thank our Sponsors: Faith Lutheran Church in Marietta! We really appreciate our sponsors at Faith Lutheran for partnering with Widow Strong! Thank you! Check out their programs and services by Clicking Here!

Whether you are a widow, supporter, or new to our community, thank you for being part of our tribe! Your love and support really makes a difference to widows and their children for generations to come! Let’s do this!#StrongerTogether!

Mishael Porembski
Founder, Widow Strong

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” – Proverbs 13:12 NIV


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Lastly, if you know of anyone experiencing grief from the loss of a loved one, please accept our FREE step-by-step practical resource guide that provides checklists and ideas to help navigate this sensitive time.

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