The Only Solution to Love is More Love
There is a quote on a magnet on my fridge that has become something that I strive to do. I do not always succeed, but it is my personal challenge. It reads.”The only solution to love, is to love more.”
When love takes twists and turns that are unexpected, choose to love more anyway. As a gift to those you love and to yourself. For the health of your own spirit. Love into understanding, acceptance and even release. It is not a feeling, but a choice. I’ve been told that feelings follow daily actions. And then one day, low and behold, the choice to love more flowers into a gift of gratitude and with gratitude eventually comes peace, with peace comes freedom and then even Joy! Joy in remembering and knowing that the love still lives.
I Corinthians 13:
These three things last. Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.