Naomi Ziva at Women of Valor Dinner

 In General, Stories From My Life

Naomi Ziva, has been my inspirational, witty and wonderful friend and hairstylist for 10 years. Then a year ago she was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. She shares her inspirational journey of helping others laugh as she and her friend wear themed costumes to her chemo sessions. CNN ran a story on her. She is a beacon of strength and hope under intense pressure. So honored to be her friend and to have her in our 180 Your Life grief empowerment series. Her strength always amazes me. She came to us just one day after her chemo treatment and conducted an interview and ate with us while her chemo pack was still administering its medication. Naomi is one of the most stunningly beautiful people, both in and out, that I know. #180YourLife #180VoicesofHope

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