Less Stuff More Life Downsizing Moving Update
Less Stuff More Life: Our Family Downsizing and Moving Video Update….So I’ve sat on this video update about our family for almost 10 days. It’s a little long, but, yep, this is the raw part of our family’s journey to stay the course for our 180 Your Grief Widows’ Empowerment Center of Atlanta. I’ve been privately struggling with, do I quit what really is a almost a full-time volunteer position for our widows and jump into full time video production to provide a home for my girls that keeps up with the economy of families in our area….or do I really believe God called me and am I willing to let go of my things and our family lifestyle in order to stay and see what God does? My girls and I had a big talk about it on Saturday. We all decided together, “Yes.” We will prioritize the calling we feel as a family to widows over our things and comfort. It’s not an easy journey but in its own way, this too is becoming a God Adventure