Jubilee Year Celebration
Today I have the honor of completing 50 laps around our sun. And the overwhelming feeling is…Contentment and Gratitude.
The last ten years started with a drop-kick into surviving and then thriving. Creating purpose from pain. Honestly, that process took more of my attention and effort than I originally anticipated.
The beautiful part, the part that makes me smile way deep in my soul, is all of you. We did this. By the grace of God, we made something from nothing. We made a Dream Come True. Together.
And that’s pretty Amazing.
Arie, at age eleven, once said, “I have learned that dreams really do come true, but it takes walking with God and a whole lot of people working together.”
Together, we took our family’s worst nightmare and made it into the launch point of a God Adventure that helps others.
3 Books. Over 200 grief empowerment videos. 1 Full Time Widows’ Empowerment and Counseling Center.
But it’s more than just the items completed. It’s the sense of Hope that our family wakes up with every day.
You did that with your love, friendship, encouragement, talents, advice, insights, and efforts. God worked through you, whether you intended it that way or not. You were Agents of Hope and genuinely made my life and the lives of my girls…Beautiful.
Friends, Neighbors, Colleagues, High School Friends, Family, Pastors, Rabbis, Mom Tribes, Widows, Professionals, and Strangers who Became Friends…There are too many to list…
All Visionaries in your own ways.
In community, you helped change our story. You empowered our family. You empowered my daughters. You listened, helped, hoped, cried, laughed, and loved with us until we found our footing.
THANK YOU is too small a thing to say…but THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart just the same.
Today marks a different decade. The Fearless Fifties. A friend recently reminded me, “This is your Year of Jubilee!” What a great surprise! I like having a year with such a great title to it! I did a little digging and found out the Year of Jubilee is characterized by 3 aspects:
Personal Liberty: I cannot put into words the urging that daily compelled me to complete the goals I felt God had given me with 180 Your Life. And now there’s an overwhelming sense of freedom and rest that has followed. Bliss!
Restitution of Property: So often I felt that the trauma of loss had claimed a part of my head-space and heart-space. By the grace of God and the help of all of you, I’ve reclaimed and continue to restore that part of me.
A Simple Life: That’s the overwhelming call I’m sensing. Simplify. More on that later.
So today I’m thanking God for all of you. My soul is content. I’m smiling way deep in my heart. To feel so well loved is the best gift of all. You are All Beautiful to me.
If you’d like to read more about the Year of Jubilee, here’s an article I referenced. https://www.biblestudytools.com/dictionary/jubilee-year/