Widow Strong: Egg Hunt Gathering & Spirit-Led Parenting

 In Newsletter

Finding Joy

Dear Friends,

As Resurrection Sunday approaches this April 4th, I’m reminded of our unique family egg hunts. Each year, I share with my daughters, “God often hides wonderful surprises for us in ordinary places. Your journey is to search beyond what you see for God’s hidden treasure that leads to New Life.”

“Hidden Treasure & New Life” will be part of our upcoming Widow Strong Egg Hunt & Potluck Gathering taking place this Sunday, March 28th, 2021 from 3:30PM – 5:30PM!

I also discovered hidden treasure during my recent video interview with Michelle Mitchell, author of the book Single Parenting with the Fruit of the Spirit. She shares amazing strategies that are helpful to all parents!

Thank you, friends, for your generous support of Widow Strong‘s outreach gathering events for widows & their children. Your giving shares God’s heath, hope, and healing in very practical & fun ways!

Read on…

March 28, 2021 Widow Strong Egg Hunt & Pot Luck Meal Gathering

Click the button to RSVP for this event for you and your family. Egg Hunts will begin at 3:45 PM! We will have several egg hunts accourding to age.

We even have a hunt for widowed moms with some EGG-ceptional Surprises! Don’t miss it!

Widows RSVP


SO EXCITED to share this interview with Michelle Mitchell that is FULL of practical and inspirational strategies to empower your parenting!

“Your children can only eat of the spiritual fruit you provide in your home.” This quote in our video interview by author Michelle Mitchell challenged and taught me so much about Spirit-led parenting! Watch this video to learn more!

Visit Michelle’s Website
Buy the Book

We are so thankful to our sponsors and individual donors that make these enriching programs FREE to our widows & their children. If you would like to support our upcoming Gathering events with a tax-deductible donation to Widow Strong, please click the button to do so. Thank you!


God promises to bless us then we bless the widow and fatherless child.

If you are harvesting in your field and forget a sheaf there, do not go back to get it. It is to be left for the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.Deuteronomy 24:19.

May God bless the work of your hands! Thank you!

Stronger Together,

Mishael Porembski
Founder, Widow Strong





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