Simplify to Multiply

 In Newsletter


Simplify to Multiply

Dear Friends, You may have noticed that our Widow Strong newsletters and events have taken a 3 month hiatus. That’s because we are on the cusp of significant growth, and our team needed time to simplify our focus so that we can multiply our service during these challenging times.

As we prepare for the holidays, I want to express our deep gratitudeΒ to all of our ministry partners and friends for standing with us to serve widowed families. Now, let’s catch up and celebrate new beginnings together!

Rebuild & Restore Reality Show Partners with Widow Strong

Pure Flix, a Biblically-based, streaming platform is launching their first reality program, Rebuild and Restore, that exclusively serves widowed families and is partnering directly with Widow Strong.

The projected launch of Rebuild and Restore is early Jan 2021. At Widow Strong, we have been preparing to sustainably serve our existing chapters as well as welcome this new influx of widowed families.

Watch the Trailer




Blog Post:

Having Done Everything, to Stand. God is faithful even when times are tough. In this blog edition, catch up on our latest projects and readΒ a story about God’s wildΒ provision in challenging times!

Click to Read


Upcoming Events

Join me, Mishael Porembski, online this November 23, Monday night, at 8:00 PM EST for a Facebook Live on Hope for the Holidays grief strategies. More events coming soon!
Here’s a quick video sharing some tried and true strategies that can foster a positive family gathering. Click here or on the graphic to watch. See you Monday night!

Join Mishael’s FB Live

Thank you again for your encouragement and faithful support of the mission of Widow Strong through your prayers, encouragement, tax-deductible giving, and volunteering! All our programs are donor-supported. Please consider a one-time or monthly gift to support our mission of empowering widows and their children.

Stronger Together,
Mishael Porembski
Founder, Widow Strong






Copyright Β© *2020* *Widow Strong & 180 Your Life*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
2105 Lower Roswell Road
Marietta, GA 30068

If you know of anyone experiencing grief from the loss of a loved one, please accept our FREE step-by-step practical resource guide that provides checklists and ideas to help navigate this sensitive time.

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