
North Atlanta – Sandy Springs, Georgia Team

This Widow Strong team is starting soon! This team will have Zoom meeting online capabilities. Will meet twice a month and exercise up to two times a month together!

This widows’ grief empowerment home group will meet the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at Melissa’s house from 4-6 PM. Please join our private FB group at the bottom of this page and message Melissa for further details. Childcare provided! Text her at 404-550-3921 for her address. Email Melissa at: melissakbentley@gmail.com

Sandy Springs Leadership

Melissa Bentley


Melissa is a dynamic mother of two children. She is in her third year of widowhood and is a powerhouse of inspiration, humor, and practial ideas to empower your life. A former financial planner, Melissa is highly skilled in taking practical steps to empower life after loss. Melissa will be facilitating the faith-based 180 Your Life from Tragedy to Triumph 12-month grief empowerment program.  Spaces are limited. You’ll laugh until you cry or cry until you laugh. Childcare provided.

Thank You to our Team Sponsor:

Suzanne Miller of Ron Blue Trust!

Our programs are FREE to widows and their children because of the generosity of our team sponsors. Suzanne has a heart to empower women and a passion to see widows thrive. Sponsors may offer a free optional workshop. Attendance is always your choice. Please supporting local businesses that practically help our widowed community. Click here for more information: https://www.ronblue.com/Financial-Advisors/Susie-Miller