Video Conference-Only Chapter
We are so excited to launch our Online-ONLY Widow Strong Chapter! This chapter is for people who do not have a local Widow Strong group in their area. Chapter meetings occur twice per month. The Lunchtime Online chapter will start Tuesday November 5th from 12-1 PM. The Online Evening Chapter will start Thursday November 14th from 7-8 PM. Email to sign up and we will send you Zoom meeting information. These online groups are for widows only and require a laptop or smartphone camera. Meetings are private and not broadcast publically.
Would you like to join this meeting? Please email us at
Online Group Leadership
Tonya Pringle
Tonya is a widowed mom with her masters in counseling. She is a founding member of Widow Strong. She is also featured throughout our 180 Your Life video series. We are so excited to have Tonya as our online group facilitator for those that may not have a local Widow Strong group in their area. Thank you, Tonya!